RCT Blog

Entries for 'Pamela Canning, CSC'

Be “present.”  Be in the moment; be here right now, all in. Give it 100% of your attention. Be laser- focused.   In ot...

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Are you one of those people who has the bothersome habit of interrupting others while they are talking?  By “interrupting,” I mean cu...

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Are you strategic???   “What?” you say!!  “Isn’t strategy about five year plans?  I have no idea what&rsq...

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You read that title correctly.  The myth of multitasking.  As a culture we have convinced ourselves that we increase our productivity and ef...

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Most of the leaders that I coach have an enormous workload.  For some 60, 70 even 80 hour work weeks are the norm.  And they are TIRED. ...

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